
Alan Liu - English 197 Portfolio (example)

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on March 22, 2015 at 11:00:58 am

From assignment instructions for a Portfolio: (see full instructions)


What Is a Portfolio? What Are a Portfolio's Main Goals?:

    Students are required to create a portfolio of their work and thinking for the course.  The purpose of a portfolio is threefold:

  • To document your work during the course, including your individual contributions to the class collective project;
  • To reflect on your work and the topics or materials that interest you.
  • To showcase highlights of your work (in a way that might later be of use to you as you create a more general portfolio of your work for school, internship, or job applications).

     Portfolios are thus some combination of a journal, scrapbook, blog, or gallery that includes concrete examples of your work and topics that intrigue you (e.g., screenshots, quotations from readings, samples of text analysis or topic modeling you are doing) and also reflections on those items (e.g., your thoughts about a particular example, method, tool, or task you are working with).  Portfolios can be organized in a number of ways, including chronologically or by category and section.  For examples of possible formats, see English 197 Portfolio (example).

How to Create Your Portfolio?:

     Create your portfolio as a page in the Portfolio folder of the Student Work site.  Alternatively, you can create a portfolio elsewhere online on platforms designed for blogs or portfolios (e.g., on WordPress.com, Squarespace, Weebly, Wix, Tumblr, etc.) and simply link to it from a page in the Portfolio folder of the Student Work site.  You can even create a physical portfolio (though in this case you should consider scanning or taking pictures of it so that you can include samples on an online page).  If you keep a more general portfolio of your schoolwork, employment, professional interests, projects, etc. (examples of students with such portfolios), you can include the portfolio for this course there as one of your projects.



Here are some possible ways of organizing and formatting a portfolio (students should feel free to invent their own):


Sequential format in chronological order (similar to a blog):

  • Post an example or screenshot of your work, a passage that interests you in your reading, or something else concrete that you are working with or thinking about.
  • Then reflect on the item in a blog-like piece of writing.


Table format in chronological order, for example:

 Screenshot, quotation, or other items from something you are working on or reading.

Date -

Reflection on the item.



Category section format:

  • Create categories, sections, or separate sub-pages for different showcases of your work--for example:
    • Learning about Digital Humanities (my practicums and thoughts about them)
    • Topic modeling Jane Austen (my contribution to the class project)
    • Showcase of most interesting things I did for the class
    • Bibliography of works I consulted in researching 
















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