Eve Kopecky- Text Analysis 2

I decided to use Voyant for this practicum since I used Lexos last time and I still couldn't figure out how to make Antcon work. I made a word cloud for both Mark Twain's Roughing It and Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I used the stop word option of English (Tapoware).

The language from Mark Twain's novel seems to be dominated by masculine words like "man", "men" and "mr." and more vocabulary dealing with physical labor such as "work" and "miles." While Jane Austen's novel has, unsurprisingly, the heroine's name "Elizabeth" repeated very often, but interestingly the word "mr." is also often used widely. From this we can conclude that the book discussing the main female role just as much as it discussing male roles, but the key difference is that none of the men in particular are as important as the singular female, they all just exist as comparisons to Elizabeth. 

Also, can we take a minute to talk about how difficult it was to compare two different texts on this tool?? I had to make a separate Voyant tab for each, then fine the URL of one of the texts, to add it into the "Words in the Entire Novel" section under "count" after enabling "difference" in the other text's tab. Why was that so difficult? Here's a screenshot of the beautiful moment I found Roughing It's URL.

Next I compared the language of the two texts with graphs. I first compared the frequency of the word "love" in each, since Pride and Prejudice is a well-known romance and Roughing It is more of an adventurous autobiography.

Pride and PrejudiceRoughing It

They both appear to have particularly high spikes, where a part in the text is fairly love-heavy. In Pride and Prejudice it seems to happen early on and then the amount of love mentioned stays at a constant rate. In Roughing It love appears to be a hot topic three-quarters of the way into the book, and it again appears to peak toward the end of the novel. The best I can explain this is perhaps in Mark Twain's novel there is love described for other things, other than people toward each other (because if memory serves me, this was not a very romantic read.)