Eve Kopecky- Topic Modeling

So I downloaded the Topic Modeling Tool and the text I chose for my Input File was Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup. 

This is what came out. And I feel like this set of words makes sense, since this is a novel about the life of a slave in young America. Next, I decided to change the number of topics from 10 to 5.


I noticed that some of the words had changed and there were much more proper names present as well. I am confused by what the number of topics is in reference to? Do topics mean words that are related to the same topics? I feel like I should know this. I am going to assume the topics are different themes and proceed with this assumption. Next, I went into the Advanced settings and played around.

There were not many changes I could make, but with the little I could alter there were minimal changes.

So without even reading the novel Twelve Years a Slave (although the title kind of gives it away and it's a well known story) one could infer what the story is about based on the words grouped together in each topic line. From these topic model lines it seems that words having to do with plantations, houses, and  masters often go together while words about the actual slaves go together with words like "whip" and "cotton" etc. This would demark how the different roles in slavery are compared.